Beyond the Size

Carpetball: The Fun and Fast-Paced Indoor/Outdoor Sport

Introduction to Carpetball

If you’re looking for a fun and engaging indoor or outdoor sport to play with your friends or family, then carpetball might just be the perfect game for you. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, carpetball is a game that is easy to learn but provides hours of entertainment.

What is Carpetball? Carpetball is a sport that involves players rolling billiard balls down a carpeted table and into a sunken tray on the opposite end of the table.

The game is played with two teams of two players, with each team standing on opposite sides of the table. The objective of the game is to try and sink all of your billiard balls into the opponent’s tray before they can sink yours.

Origin of Carpetball

Carpetball was first introduced in the 1970s as a backyard sport, and it quickly gained popularity amongst friends and families. It wasn’t until the formation of the National Carpetball Association that the game became more organized and competitive.

The original game of carpetball was played with a wiffle ball, but over time, it evolved into the game we know today.

Description of Carpetball Table

The carpetball table is typically made from wood or particleboard and measures between 8 and 10 feet in length. The table is covered with a durable carpet that allows the billiard balls to roll smoothly down the surface.

Some carpetball tables are designed for indoor use, while others can be used both indoors and outdoors. The outdoor/ultimate carpetball table is usually made from durable materials like concrete or metal, making it ideal for use in parks or other outdoor recreational areas.

Rules of Carpetball

Gameplay and Teams

Each game of carpetball is played with two opposing players or teams. Each team consists of two players, Team A and Team B.

The objective of the game is to sink all of your opponent’s balls into their sunken tray before they can sink yours.

Ball Placement and Usage

At the start of the game, each team is given a set of billiard balls (usually four balls per team). The balls are placed on the carpeted surface of the table, with the cue ball located in the center.

The cue ball is used to strike the other billiard balls, with the objective of sinking them into the opponent’s tray.

Winning the Game

The winner of the game is the team that manages to sink all of their opponent’s balls into their sunken tray first. If both teams manage to sink all of their opponent’s balls, then the game is considered a tie.

Mercy Roll

If one team has managed to sink all of their opponent’s balls and the other team has not yet managed to sink any of their opponent’s balls, then the mercy roll rule can be invoked. This allows the team that has sunk all of their opponent’s balls to attempt a free roll without any interference from the other team.

If the team manages to sink their ball during this free roll, then they win the game.

Fouls and Penalties

There are a number of fouls in carpetball that can result in penalties. These include moving balls, touching balls out of turn, and adding balls to the opponent’s side of the table.

Penalties usually involve the loss of a turn or the placement of balls into the opponent’s tray.


Carpetball is a fun and engaging sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. With its easy-to-learn rules and fast-paced gameplay, carpetball is perfect for those looking for a quick game to play with their friends or family.

Whether you’re playing indoors or outdoors, carpetball is sure to provide hours of entertainment and excitement.

Carpetball Equipment

Carpetball is an indoor or outdoor sport that can be played with a few pieces of equipment. Understanding the carpetball table specifications, the materials used in making the table, and the billiard balls’ specifications is crucial as they can affect the players’ gameplay.

Carpetball Table Specifications

The carpetball table is an essential piece of equipment as it is where the game takes place. The table comes in two main types, indoor and outdoor/ultimate.

The indoor carpetball table is usually 8-10 feet long, while the outdoor/ultimate table can measure up to 20 feet long. The width of a carpetball table is usually 32 inches.

The tray dimensions of both the indoor and outdoor/ultimate table are typically the same- a square shape that measures 4X4 inches.

Materials and Making of Table

There are various materials used in the making of a carpetball table, including wood, steel, felt, and hinged materials, among others. Wooden tables are the most common, and they come in varying designs.

An outdoor/ultimate carpetball table is typically made from metal or concrete to withstand the harsh outdoor conditions and prolong the table’s service life. The felt used for indoor tables is usually of high quality and comes in different colors, adding a stylish touch to the table.

The making of a carpetball table requires precision with specific measurements, and slight variations in the table’s dimensions can significantly affect the gameplay. The table’s surface should be smooth, even, and straight, with no protruding or recessed areas that could cause the ball to stray from its target.

Billiards Balls Specifications

The balls used in carpetball are not your typical billiards balls – they come in a smaller size and are built to withstand the rough gameplay that comes with this sport. Carpetball billiard balls are usually 2 inches in diameter and weigh between 2-3 ounces.

There are usually eight balls in total, four for each team, with identical color or style. The cue ball is typically white and of the same size and weight as the other balls.

One essential rule to bear in mind when playing carpetball is that all the balls used in the game must be identical in size and weight. An errant ball with a different weight or size can cause confusion, giving one team an unfair advantage over the other.


Playing carpetball requires an understanding of the type of equipment used to play the game, including the carpetball table specifications, the table’s materials and making, and the billiard balls’ specifications. These factors can significantly affect the gameplay, and it is crucial to ensure that all the equipment used in the game is of the same size and weight to achieve a fair balance between the teams.

Overall, carpetball is an excellent sport for anyone looking for a fun and engaging game that can be played both indoors and outdoors. With the correct equipment and some basic knowledge of the game rules, anyone can enjoy a lively and entertaining match of carpetball.

In conclusion, carpetball is a game that is easy to learn but provides many hours of entertainment. From the history and description of the game to the equipment used in playing, carpetball is indeed a sport that can be played both indoors and outdoors, by people of all ages.

The understanding of carpetball’s rules and the equipment used in playing the game can enhance the gameplay and ensure each team has a fair chance at winning. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you learn more about carpetball:

– How many players do you need to play carpetball?

Carpetball can be played by two or four players, with each team having two players. – How long is a typical carpetball table?

A typical carpetball table is 8-10 feet in length. – What kind of material is suitable for an outdoor/ultimate carpetball table?

An outdoor/ultimate carpetball table should be made from durable materials like metal or concrete to withstand harsh outdoor conditions. – How heavy are carpetball billiard balls?

Carpetball billiard balls usually weigh between 2-3 ounces. – Can the cue ball be of a different size or weight from the other balls?

No, all the balls used in carpetball must be identical in size and weight.

– What happens when a player violates a foul?

Violating a foul can lead to penalties such as the loss of a turn or placing balls into the opponent’s tray.

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