Beyond the Size

Fueling Up: Understanding Aircraft Fuel Tank Sizes and Fuel Burn Rates

Fueling up an airplane is a crucial task before takeoff, as it ensures that there is enough fuel to get the aircraft to its destination. As aircraft vary in size and weight, so do their fuel tank sizes and fuel burn rates.

In this article, we will explore the fuel tank sizes and fuel burn rates of different types of airplanes and the various factors that affect fuel burn.

Airplane Fuel Tank Sizes

The fuel tank size of an airplane varies depending on its size and purpose. Passenger aircraft such as the Boeing 737-800, 777-200, and 747-800 have fuel tank capacities of 26,025 – 63,705 liters.

On the other hand, smaller private airplanes like the Cessna 172, 150, and 182 have fuel tank capacities ranging from 159 – 212 liters. The location of the fuel tank is another factor for aircraft.

Commercial passenger jets usually have their fuel tanks located in their wings, allowing for more efficient fuel distribution during flight.

Fuel Burn

The fuel burn rate is the amount of fuel an airplane consumes per hour. Passenger aircraft like the Boeing 737-800 burn around 2610 liters of fuel per hour, while larger aircraft like the Airbus A380 can burn around 13,350 liters per hour.

For small private airplanes such as the Cessna 172 and 206, the fuel burn rate is lower, at around 45-55 liters per hour for the Cessna 172 and 104-106 liters per hour for the Cessna 206. The fuel burn rate also varies depending on an aircraft’s speed, altitude, and weight.

Fuel Cost

The cost of fuel varies depending on the type of fuel used. The Cessna 172 typically uses avgas, which costs around $5.50 per gallon, while commercial airlines use jet fuel that costs around $2.50 per gallon.

The fuel cost for a Boeing 747-800 can range from $32,569 to $40,711 depending on the length of the flight. Factors Affecting

Fuel Burn

There are several factors that affect the fuel burn rate of an airplane.

One of the most significant factors is the weight of the aircraft. The heavier the aircraft, the more fuel it will burn.

This is why airlines are keen to minimize the weight of their aircraft by removing unnecessary items. Another factor that affects fuel burn rate is the type of engine used.

An airplane with a more efficient engine will burn less fuel. The altitude at which an airplane flies also affects fuel burn rate.

As airplanes climb higher, the air becomes thinner, resulting in less drag on the airplane, which can reduce fuel burn. On the other hand, flying at lower altitudes can lead to higher fuel consumption due to the denser air.

Lastly, weather conditions can have a significant impact on the fuel burn rate of an airplane. Headwinds can increase fuel consumption, while tailwinds can reduce fuel consumption.

Similarly, warm temperatures can cause the air to become less dense, resulting in drag and increased fuel burn. On the other hand, flying in colder temperatures can lead to more efficient fuel consumption.


In conclusion, the fuel tank size and fuel burn rate of an airplane depend on its size and type of engine used. The location of the fuel tank on an aircraft also plays a crucial role in determining fuel efficiency.

Factors that can affect fuel burn rate include aircraft weight, engine type, altitude, and weather conditions. While fuel costs can vary depending on the type of fuel used, it is essential to keep fuel burn as low as possible to save on costs and reduce environmental impact.

Antonov AN 225 is the world’s largest airplane, measuring at a whopping 84 meters in length and 18.1 meters in height. The airplane has a wingspan of 88.4 meters and can carry a maximum takeoff weight of 640,000 kg, making it ideal for transporting oversized cargo such as construction machinery, power generators, and other equipment.

However, due to its size, the Antonov AN-225 requires an enormous amount of jet fuel to take off and operate.

Jet Fuel

Most commercial airlines use jet fuel as their primary fuel source. Jet fuel is a mixture of hydrocarbons that are refined from crude oil.

It is a high-energy-density fuel that can power aircraft engines efficiently. Jet engines work by taking in air, compressing it, mixing it with fuel, and then igniting it.

These reactions create a high-pressure stream of gases that push the airplane forward. Jet fuel is also less flammable than gasoline, making it a safer option for aircraft.


Avgas, on the other hand, is used primarily in small aircraft engines. It is a high-octane gasoline that is specially formulated for piston engines.

Avgas has a lower energy density than jet fuel which limits the range of small aircraft. Small airplanes with piston engines, like the Cessna 172 and 150, have smaller fuel tanks compared to larger passenger airplanes and therefore require refueling more frequently.

Interesting Facts

The Antonov AN-225 was originally designed and built by the Soviet Union in the late 1980s. It was designed as a transport plane capable of carrying the Buran space shuttle.

However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the program was halted, and the Antonov AN-225 was left without a purpose. Since then, it has been used primarily for transporting large cargo such as power generators, wind turbines, and other heavy equipment.

In 2020, the Antonov AN-225 was even used to transport COVID-19 medical supplies, including PPE, from China to Poland. The Antonov AN-225 has six turbofan engines that are powered by jet fuel.

Each engine can produce up to 51,600 pounds of thrust, which allows the airplane to take off with a maximum weight of 640,000 kilograms. Despite its size and fuel consumption, the Antonov AN-225 has a range of up to 15,400 km, thanks to its massive fuel tanks that can hold up to 300,000 liters of fuel.

This allows the Antonov AN-225 to make long-range flights without refueling. In addition, the Antonov AN-225 has a unique feature whereby its nose can lift upwards, allowing cargo to be loaded directly into the aircraft.

This feature is particularly helpful when transporting large and heavy cargo that requires special loading and unloading equipment.


The Antonov AN-225 is an engineering marvel that is capable of transporting large and heavy cargo over long distances. Its six powerful engines and massive fuel tanks make it one of the most impressive aircraft in the world.

While its fuel consumption may seem high, it is a necessary requirement for an aircraft of this size and carrying capacity. With its unique nose-lifting feature and impressive range, the Antonov AN-225 certainly stands out as one of the most interesting and impressive airplanes in the world.

In summary, aircraft fuel tank sizes and fuel burn rates vary depending on the type of aircraft and the factors that affect fuel consumption, including weight, altitude, engine type, and weather conditions. It is essential to keep fuel consumption as low as possible to save costs and reduce environmental impact.

The Antonov AN-225 is an impressive airplane that requires a significant amount of jet fuel to operate due to its size and carrying capacity. Understanding the different types of fuel used in aircraft and the factors that affect fuel consumption is crucial to the aviation industry’s safety, efficiency, and sustainability.


Q: What is the difference between jet fuel and avgas? A: Jet fuel is a high-energy-density fuel that powers most commercial airliners, while avgas is a high-octane gasoline that is used primarily in small aircraft with piston engines.

Q: Why do passenger aircraft have their fuel tanks located in their wings? A: Passenger aircraft have their fuel tanks located in their wings because it enables more efficient fuel distribution during flight and better stability.

Q: What factors affect fuel consumption in aircraft? A: Factors that affect fuel consumption in aircraft include weight, altitude, engine type, and weather conditions.

Q: What is the significance of the Antonov AN-225? A: The Antonov AN-225 is the world’s largest airplane and is used primarily for transporting large and heavy cargo over long distances.

Q: Why is it important to keep fuel consumption as low as possible in aircraft? A: Keeping fuel consumption as low as possible in aircraft saves costs and reduces environmental impact, contributing to the aviation industry’s sustainability.

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