Beyond the Size

Ladder Golf: The Horseshoes-Bocce Hybrid Game to Try Now

Introduction to Ladder Golf

Are you looking for a fun and challenging outdoor game to play with your family and friends? Look no further than Ladder Golf, also known as Monkey Ball or Hillbilly Golf.

This exciting game combines elements of horseshoes and bocce ball to create a unique and addictive gaming experience. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide

to Ladder Golf, including the equipment needed, the rules and objectives of the game, and how to construct your own ladder.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this article will give you all the information you need to play Ladder Golf like a pro.

Equipment Needed to Play

To play Ladder Golf, you’ll need a few essential pieces of equipment. First, you’ll need two ladders, each with three rungs.

The rungs should be evenly spaced and should have a distance of 13 inches between them. You can purchase pre-made Ladder Golf sets, or you can make your own using PVC pipes and fittings (more on that later).

You’ll also need a set of bolas. Bolas are two balls connected by a length of rope or string.

To play Ladder Golf, you’ll need six bolas in total – three in one color, and three in another color. You can purchase pre-made bolas, or you can make your own using golf balls and rope.

Rules and Objectives of the Game

The objective of Ladder Golf is to score points by throwing bolas at the rungs of the ladders. Each rung is worth a certain number of points, with the top rung being worth the most points.

The first player or team to reach a total of 21 points or more wins the game. To start the game, players or teams take turns throwing their bolas at the ladders.

Each player or team has three bolas per turn. The bolas must be thrown from behind a designated line, which is typically a few feet away from the ladders.

If a bola lands on a rung, the player or team scores the points for that rung. If a bola lands on a rung and knocks off a bola from the other team, the points for that rung are lost.

Additionally, if a bola lands on top of a rung, it does not count towards the score. The game can be played with two players, or with teams of two.

In a team game, each player takes alternating turns throwing their bolas. The score for each team is combined at the end of each round.

Games can be played to a certain number of points, or for a set number of rounds.

Constructing the Ladder for Ladder Golf

If you want to make your own Ladder Golf set, you’ll need a few materials and tools. Here’s what you’ll need:

– PVC Straight Pipes

– PVC Elbow Fittings

– PVC Tee Fittings

– PVC Cement

– Measuring Tape

– Saw

Once you have your materials, you can start constructing your ladder.

Here are the steps:

1. Cut the PVC pipes into the following lengths:

– 4 x 39 inches (for the upright beams)

– 6 x 24 inches (for the rungs)

– 4 x 6 inches (for the feet)


Use PVC cement to attach two 39-inch pipes to a 24-inch pipe using a tee fitting. Repeat this process for the other side of the ladder.

3. Take two 39-inch pipes and attach them to the top of the ladder using elbow fittings.

Repeat this process for the other side of the ladder. 4.

Attach two 24-inch pipes to the bottom of the ladder using elbow fittings. Repeat this process for the other side of the ladder.

5. Attach the feet to the bottom of the ladder using elbow fittings.

6. Use PVC cement to secure all fittings and joints.

Congratulations, you’ve made your own Ladder Golf set! Now all you need to do is add the bolas and start playing.


Ladder Golf is a fun and challenging game that is easy to learn and can be played by people of all ages. Whether you’re playing with friends or family, or in a competitive tournament, Ladder Golf is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and have fun.

And with the information provided in this article, you now have all the knowledge you need to play and even construct your very own Ladder Golf set. So what are you waiting for?

Get outside and start playing!

Creating the Bolas

Now that you have your Ladder Golf set ready, it’s time to make your own bolas. A bola is two balls connected by a length of rope or string, and it’s the object you’ll be using to score points in Ladder Golf.

Here’s what you’ll need to make your own bolas:

Materials Needed

– Nylon Rope

– Golf Balls

– Drill Press

– Lighter (optional)

Steps to Create the Bolas

1. Cut six sections of Nylon Rope, each measuring 22 inches long.

2. Drill a hole through the center of each golf ball.

Make sure the hole is big enough to fit the Nylon Rope through. 3.

Tie one end of each Nylon Rope to a golf ball. You can tie it in a simple knot or a more secure knot, depending on your preference.

4. Thread the free end of the Nylon Rope through the hole in the other golf ball.

5. Tie a knot in the Nylon Rope to secure the second golf ball in place.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 to make six total bolas.

7. If desired, use a lighter to melt the ends of the Nylon Rope to prevent unraveling.

Congratulations, you’ve made your own Ladder Golf bolas! Now you’re ready to play.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ladder Golf

Playing Ladder Golf

Q: What are the official Ladder Golf rules? A: The official Ladder Golf rules state that the game is played to 21 points, with players alternating turns throwing their bolas.

Each rung is worth a different number of points, with the top rung being worth the most points. The first player or team to reach 21 points or more wins the game.

Q: Can I tweak the rules? A: Yes, you can adjust the rules to suit your preferences.

For example, you can play to a different score, use different point values for each rung, or allow players to throw all three bolas in one turn. Q: How do I end a round?

A: A round is typically played until one player or team reaches a set number of points, such as 21. However, you can also play for a set number of rounds, with the player or team with the highest score at the end of the rounds winning the game.

Q: How is the team score calculated? A: In a team game, each player takes alternating turns throwing their bolas.

The score for each team is combined at the end of each round.

Setting Up the Game

Q: What are the toss lines used for? A: The toss lines are used to mark the spot where players must stand when throwing their bolas.

They are usually a few feet away from the ladders. Q: What is the distance between the ladders?

A: The distance between the ladders can vary, but it is typically around 15 feet. Q: How much free space do I need to play Ladder Golf?

A: You should have enough space so that players can throw their bolas without hitting any obstacles or bystanders.

Disturbances During Game Play

Q: Are there any limitations to the noise level during game play? A: Yes, players should avoid shouting or yelling during game play, as it can disturb other players or nearby residents.

Number of Players

Q: How many players are needed to play Ladder Golf? A: Ladder Golf can be played with as few as two players or as many as you’d like.

Q: How does the adjusted points system work if there are fewer than four players? A: If there are fewer than four players, you can adjust the points system so that each player has their own set of rungs to aim for.

For example, in a two-player game, each player can have two sets of rungs to aim for, and the point values can be adjusted accordingly.

Scoring the Game

Q: How are points scored in Ladder Golf? A: Points are scored by throwing bolas at the rungs of the ladders.

Each rung is worth a certain number of points, with the top rung being worth the most points. If a bola lands on a rung, the player or team scores the points for that rung.

Q: What happens if a bola is dislodged from a rung? A: If a bola is dislodged from a rung by a subsequent throw, the points for that rung are lost.

Q: What happens if a bola bounces off a rung? A: If a bola bounces off a rung and lands on the ground, it does not count towards the score.

Summary of Ladder Golf

Ladder Golf is a fun and challenging backyard sport that’s perfect for barbecues, family gatherings, and outdoor parties. It’s easy to learn and can be played by people of all ages, making it a great way to spend time with loved ones.

The game involves throwing bolas at a set of ladders with the objective of scoring points. It’s a great way to get some fresh air and add an element of competition to your outdoor activities.

Steps to Construct the Ladder and Bolas

By now, you know that constructing your own Ladder Golf set is easy and affordable. All you need are some PVC pipes, fittings, and golf balls to make the ladders, and nylon rope to make the bolas.

Following the steps outlined in this article, you can create your own set and start playing in no time. This DIY guide is perfect for those who want to save money by making their own set, or for those who enjoy the satisfaction of creating something with their own two hands.

Call to Action

Now that you’ve learned all about Ladder Golf, it’s time to share your knowledge with others. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, you can help others get started and enjoy this fun and challenging game.

Share this article with your friends and family, and comment below with your own tips and pointers. And most importantly, get out there and start playing Ladder Golf! With its combination of strategy, skill, and luck, it’s sure to provide hours of enjoyment for you and your loved ones.

In conclusion, Ladder Golf is a great outdoor game that’s easy to learn and fun for all ages. With just a few materials, you can construct your own set and start playing in no time.

Make sure to follow the steps provided in this article to create a sturdy and stable ladder, and to make bolas that are safe and effective. With the information provided in this article, you now have all the knowledge you need to play and enjoy Ladder Golf.

So gather your friends and family, head outside, and start playing today!


Q: What materials do I need to make a Ladder Golf set? A: You’ll need PVC pipes and fittings to make the ladder, as well as golf balls and nylon rope to make the bolas.

Q: What are the rules of Ladder Golf? A: The objective of Ladder Golf is to score points by throwing bolas at the rungs of the ladder.

Each rung is worth a certain number of points, with the top rung being worth the most points. The first player or team to reach a total of 21 points or more wins the game.

Q: How do I construct the ladder for Ladder Golf? A: You’ll need to cut PVC pipes into specific lengths, glue them together using PVC cement, and attach them to a base to create a sturdy and stable ladder.

Q: How do I make the bolas for Ladder Golf? A: You’ll need to tie golf balls to nylon rope, then thread the rope through more golf balls and tie another knot to secure the bola in place.

Q: How many players can play Ladder Golf? A: Ladder Golf can be played with as few as two players or as many as you want.

Q: Can I adjust the rules of Ladder Golf to suit my preferences? A: Yes, you can tweak the rules to play to a different score or use different point values for each rung.

Q: How do I score points in Ladder Golf? A: Points are scored by throwing bolas at the rungs of the ladder.

If a bola lands on a rung, the player or team scores the points for that rung.

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