Beyond the Size

The Ultimate Guide to Fleece Fabric: Types Dimensions and Weight

Fleece Fabric: Dimensions, Types, and Weight

If you’re looking for a warm, soft, and insulating fabric, then fleece is an option worth considering. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about fleece, including its dimensions, types, and weight, as well as how it’s made and what makes it so unique.

What is Fleece? Fleece is a synthetic version of the wool that comes from sheep’s coats.

Unlike wool, which requires a sheep to produce, fleece is made from polyester. It’s a knitted fabric that’s created by brushing fibers to create a textured surface that’s both soft and warm.

Fleece Fabric Dimensions

Fleece is typically sold in bolts and yards, and its width can vary depending on the manufacturer. In general, the standard width of fleece fabric is 60 inches or 150 cm.

The thickness of fleece can also vary, with some varieties being thicker and heavier than others.

Fleece Fabric Types

There are various types of fleece available, each with different weight per square yard or meter. Ultralight fleece is thin and lightweight, while lightweight fleece is a bit thicker.

Mid-weight fleece is a popular choice for outdoor clothing, while heavy-weight fleece is ideal for colder temperatures. Fleece also comes in different patterns and colors.

Some fleece is anti-pill, meaning it won’t develop those annoying tiny balls of fabric that can form over time. Sherpa fleece is a variety that has a coarser texture and mimics the appearance of traditional sheep’s wool.

Microfleece is thinner and more lightweight than standard fleece, while polar fleece is a heavy-weight, warm variety that’s commonly used in outdoor gear.

Choosing Fleece

When it comes to selecting the best fleece for your needs, you’ll want to consider cost, quality, durability, and color. While cheapest isn’t always best, you don’t necessarily need to spend top dollar to get good quality fleece.

Look for a variety that feels soft and comfortable to the touch, and that has a color and pattern that suits your needs.

Understanding Fleece Fabric

What makes fleece unique is its combination of fibers and texture. Fleece is created by knitting together a blend of fibers that are then brushed to create a textured surface.

This creates a fabric that’s both soft and furry, which is perfect for keeping you warm and cozy in colder temperatures. How is Polyester Fleece Fabric Made?

Polyester fleece is made in a manufacturing process that involves blending different fibers, including polyester, acrylic, and/or cotton. The fibers are then knitted together into a fabric and brushed to create the characteristic textured surface that makes fleece so popular.

The Properties of Fleece Fabric

One of the main properties of fleece is its insulating properties. Fleece is excellent at trapping heat close to the skin, making it a popular choice for cold weather gear.

Fleece is also breathable, which means it allows air to circulate, making it a great choice for both inner and outer layers. It’s an excellent choice for athletic gear as it can help keep you warm without getting too sweaty or overheated.

Final Thoughts

Fleece is a synthetic alternative to wool that offers excellent insulating properties and is both soft and comfortable to wear. Whether you’re looking for something lightweight and breathable or heavy-weight and warm, fleece offers a range of options to suit your needs.

When selecting fleece, be sure to consider cost, quality, durability, and color to find the variety that works best for you.

Fleece Fabric Width and Weight

Fleece is a warm and cozy fabric that has become a popular choice for clothing and outdoor gear. Fleece comes in various widths and weights, which can affect how it feels and functions.

In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the width and weight of fleece fabric.

The Width of Fleece Fabric

Fleece is typically sold in bolts of fabric, with each bolt consisting of several yards or meters. The width of fleece can vary depending on the manufacturer and the type of fleece.

In general, the standard width of fleece fabric is around 60 inches or 150 cm. However, some varieties of fleece may be wider or narrower than this.

It’s important to check the width of the fleece before purchasing it to ensure that it will fit your needs. Fleece is often sold by the yard or meter, and the amount you need will depend on what you plan to use it for.

If you’re making a blanket or a jacket, for example, you may need several yards or meters of fleece. It’s important to calculate how much fleece you need before purchasing it to avoid running out in the middle of your project.

The Weight of Fleece Fabric

Fleece also comes in various weights or thicknesses, which can affect its warmth and function. There are four main weight categories for fleece: ultralight, lightweight, mid-weight, and heavy-weight.

Understanding these weight categories can help you choose the best fleece for your needs. Ultralight fleece is the thinnest and lightest variety, and is perfect for layering or for use in warmer temperatures.

Lightweight fleece is a bit thicker and warmer than ultralight, and is often used for light jackets and other outdoor gear. Mid-weight fleece is a popular choice for outdoor gear as it’s warm and cozy without being too bulky.

This variety of fleece is suitable for use in colder temperatures and can be used to make jackets, blankets, and other items. Heavy-weight fleece is the warmest and thickest variety, and is ideal for use in extremely cold temperatures or for making blankets and heavy jackets.

Heavy-weight fleece can be bulky, so it’s not the best choice for layering. The physical difference between fleece weights can be notable.

For example, ultralight fleece is much thinner and more delicate than heavy-weight fleece. Lightweight fleece, on the other hand, falls somewhere in between, offering more warmth and durability than ultralight fleece but less than heavier varieties.

When comparing different types of fleece, you’ll see that weight is often measured by the weight per square meter or yard. This measurement can help you compare the weight of different fleece varieties before purchasing.

Different Types of Fleece

When it comes to selecting the best fleece for your needs, it’s important to consider the different types that are available. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at four popular types of fleece: anti-pill fleece, sherpa fleece, microfleece, and polar fleece.

Anti-pill Fleece

As the name suggests, anti-pill fleece is a variety that’s designed to prevent the formation of those annoying little balls of fabric that can form on the surface of fleece over time. Anti-pill fleece has a smooth and durable surface and is available in both lightweight and heavy-weight varieties.

Sherpa Fleece

Sherpa fleece is a variety that has a fluffy and lofty texture, mimicking the look and feel of traditional sheep’s wool. This variety of fleece is thick and soft and is often used for blankets and outdoor gear.

Sherpa fleece is available in both mid-weight and heavy-weight varieties.


Microfleece is a thin and lightweight variety of fleece that’s soft and comfortable to wear. This variety is breathable and moisture-wicking, making it a great choice for athletic gear and base layers.

Microfleece is also generally anti-static, which is a nice bonus.

Polar Fleece

Polar fleece is a popular variety that’s warm, wind-resistant, and breathable. This variety of fleece is often used in outdoor gear and comes in a range of colors and patterns.

Polar fleece is available in mid-weight and can keep you warm and cozy in cold temperatures without being too bulky or heavy.

Final Thoughts

Fleece fabric is a versatile and cozy material that can be used in a wide range of applications. Understanding the width and weight of fleece and the different types available can help you choose the best variety for your needs.

Whether you’re looking for something ultralight and breathable or heavy-weight and warm, there’s a fleece variety out there that’s perfect for you. Tips for

Choosing Fleece Fabric

Fleece fabric is a popular choice for clothing, blankets, and outdoor gear due to its softness, warmth, and durability.

However, with so many varieties available, it can be challenging to choose the right type for your needs. In this section, we’ll explore some essential tips to keep in mind when selecting fleece fabric.

Do I Need Fleece Fabric? Before you start your search for fleece fabric, it’s essential to consider whether you actually need it.

While fleece is a great material for its warmth and softness, it may not be suitable for every project. You’ll also want to consider the cost of the fleece fabric and whether it’s within your budget.

If you’re not sure whether you need fleece, consider purchasing a small tester piece of fabric to see what it feels like and how it suits your needs. This small investment can help you determine whether fleece is the right material for your project.

What Will I Do with Fleece Fabric? Fleece fabric has many uses, from bonding it with other materials to creating standalone items and no-sew projects.

Before purchasing fleece, it’s helpful to think about what you plan to do with it. How will you use the fabric, and what types of projects do you want to make?

If you’re planning to use fleece as part of a larger project, make sure it will work well with any other materials you’re using. For standalone projects, you’ll want to make sure you have enough fabric to complete the project adequately.

No-sew projects, such as tie blankets, are a popular way to use fleece fabric. If you’re planning to create a no-sew fleece project, make sure you have the right amount of fleece and that the fabric will suit your needs.

For example, if you’re making a blanket, make sure the fleece is warm and thick enough to keep you cozy. High- or Low-Quality?

Fleece fabric is available in various brands and grades of quality. While it can be tempting to go for the cheapest option, keep in mind that a higher quality fleece will be more durable and last longer.

When comparing different quality levels, you may notice differences in thickness, softness, and insulating properties. Before committing to a particular brand or quality level, consider purchasing a tester piece of the fabric to see if it suits your needs and preferences.

This small investment can help you avoid purchasing an entire bolt of fleece that’s not quite what you wanted. Will it Last?

The durability of fleece fabric can vary depending on the brand and quality level. When selecting fleece, it’s important to consider how long it will last.

Will it stand up to frequent washing and wear, or will it start to pill and fade quickly? High-quality fleece fabric is typically more durable than low-quality fleece.

You’ll also want to consider how frequently you’ll be using the fabric and for what purposes. For items that will see frequent use, such as jackets or blankets, investing in a higher quality, more durable fleece is a wise choice.

What Color Do I Want? Fleece fabric is available in a wide range of colors and patterns, from solid colors to elaborate designs.

When selecting fleece, think about what color or pattern will suit your needs best. Consider the purpose of your project and whether you want your project to match any existing items.

Choosing a color or pattern that you enjoy and that suits your tastes is crucial, as it will impact your enjoyment of the project and the finished product. Keep in mind that some patterns may require more care than solid colors when it comes to matching up seams or incorporating into larger projects.

Final Thoughts

Fleece fabric is a great choice for clothing, blankets, and outdoor gear, but with so many varieties available, it can be challenging to select the right one. By keeping these tips in mindwhether you need fleece, what you’ll do with it, the quality level, durability, and coloryou can find the best fleece fabric for your needs and ensure a beautiful finished project that lasts.

In conclusion, fleece fabric is a versatile and cozy material that’s popular for clothing, blankets, and outdoor gear. Choosing the right fleece requires considering factors such as quality, durability, color, and intended use.

To help you make an informed decision, we’ve provided a list of frequently asked questions addressing key topics and providing accurate, informative answers to common concerns. With these tips and information, you can confidently select the best fleece fabric for your needs and create beautiful, long-lasting projects.


1. What are the weight categories for fleece fabric?

Answer: The four weight categories for fleece fabric are ultralight, lightweight, mid-weight, and heavy-weight. 2.

What is the standard width of fleece fabric? Answer: The standard width of fleece fabric is around 60 inches or 150 cm.

3. What are some types of fleece fabric?

Answer: Some popular types of fleece fabric include anti-pill fleece, sherpa fleece, microfleece, and polar fleece. 4.

How do I choose the right color or pattern for my fleece fabric? Answer: Consider the purpose of your project and whether you want it to match any existing items when choosing a color or pattern.

5. Is high-quality fleece worth the investment?

Answer: Yes, high-quality fleece is typically more durable and will last longer than low-quality fleece.

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